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Finance Committee Minutes 04/21/2010
Wellfleet Finance Committee
Minutes of Meeting of April 21, 2010
        Senior Center Conference Room, 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dennis Murphy, Chairman; Sam Bradford, Janet Loewenstein, Robert Kelly, John T. Morrissey, Donna Robertson, Sylvia Smith, Liz Sorrell
Regrets: Robert Wallace
Also Attending: Town Administrator Paul Sieloff, Town Accountant Marilyn Crary, Town Moderator Harry Terkanian

Chairman Dennis Murphy called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Transfer #10-01
Town Accountant Marilyn Crary explained the Transfer Request #10-01 for $3,351 for Veterans’ Benefits Line 543.  The amount is needed for the May and June living and medical expenses of veterans living in Wellfleet.  Bob Kelly estimated future needs for the Veterans’ Benefits.  Paul Sieloff said he would be working with the new veterans’ agent on their budgeting.  The request was questioned as an emergency need.  There is $20.000 available in the Reserve Fund.
Liz Sorrell moved to approve Transfer #10-01.  Sylvia Smith seconded, and the motion carried 7-1.
School Budget
Jan Plaue of the School Committee was present to ask that FinCom approve the Wellfleet Elementary School Budget of $2,270,134, which the School Committee had requested.  There would still be a sum of $26,478 above 2 1/2 %, she said.  Plaue discussed next year’s budget as well.  She said that WES would look into savings on the Capital Budget for next year.  Liz Sorrell called attention to a Globe article on teachers’ salaries across the state.  Wellfleet was listed as sixth from the bottom, she said.  
Kelly moved to approve the WES Budget of $2,270,134 since the entire Fiscal Year 2011 Budget comes in at less than 2 1/2 %.  Sorrell seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  
Water Enterprise Fund & Expansion Plans
Water Commissioners Steve Gazzano and Jean Schaefer were present to discuss the Water Enterprise Fund.  They distributed an advance copy of the fact sheet they had prepared for Town Meeting and discussed the water expansion project.  They explained the Water Enterprise Fund and Warrant Article 27, which is contingent on receiving federal funding.  The Water Commissioners said that they expected the Enterprise Fund would be able to cover the debt incurred.  
Recommendations for Warrant Articles
Article #5      Water Enterprise Fund
While the Water Commissioners were present, FinCom considered their recommendation for the Enterprise Fund.  Marilyn Crary explained the calculations for changes in the Enterprise Fund as printed in the Warrant.  The Water Enterprise Fund total is now $428,378.  The changes also affect the Capital Budget which will be $2,082,500.  
Sorrell moved to recommend the revised Article #5 (Water Enterprise Fund). Loewenstein seconded and the motion carried 8-0.     
Article #1      Operating Budget
Sorrell moved to approve the Cape Cod Regional Tech line.  Kelly seconded,  and the motion carried 8-0.

The Veteran’s Services Line 543 has changed to $14,107.  Sorrell moved to approve the $17,107 for Veterans’ Service Line.  Murphy seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  

The County Retirement Line 911 is now $828,416, and FinCom, Marilyn Crary and Paul Sieloff discussed retirement payments and overhead.  
Sorrell moved to approve Line #911 for $828,416.  Kelly seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  

After adjustments, the total Operating Budget is $13,647,537.
Sorrell moved to recommend $13,647,537 for Article #1 (Operating Budget).  Loewenstein seconded and the motion carried 8-0.  
Article #3      Capital Budget
The Capital Budget now totals $2,082,500.
Kelly moved to recommend Article #3 (Capital Budget).  Smith seconded and the motion carried 8-0.  
Article #8      DPW Road Repair
Loewenstein moved to recommend Article #8 (DPW Road Repair).  Smith seconded and the motion carried 8-0.  
Article #28     Water Road Acceptance
This Article will be indefinitely postponed, so there was no need to vote on it.  
Preparation for Town Meeting
FinCom discussed approaches to presenting the financial Articles at Town Meeting.  Article 30 was one which the Finance Committee had not recommended. Paul Sieloff and Harry Terkanian discussed this Article with FinCom.  
Debt Cap
Dennis Murphy said he would like to have Finance Committee work on a “debt cap.”  This would be a project to undertake after Town Meeting, he said.  Debt management is a goal that Murphy asked FinCom to think about. Paul Sieloff said that next year the Capital Improvement Plan will be a 10-year plan.  
Appointment of Personnel Board Rep
Sylvia Smith volunteered to be the Finance Committee representative to the Personnel Board if it is reactivated at the next Selectmen’s meeting.  Sorrell moved to appoint Sylvia Smith representative.  Loewenstein seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  
Minutes of 3/17/10
Kelly moved to approve the minutes of March 17, 2010.  Sorrell seconded, and the motion carried 7-0-1.  
An invitation to the State-Local Partnership Suburban Coalition’s meeting at the State House on April 27, 2010 was in the mail.
Next Meetings
There will be a meeting immediately prior to Town Meeting on April 26, 2010.  The next regular meeting will be held on May 26, 2010.  
Sorrell moved to adjourn, Morrissey seconded, and the motion carried 8-0.  The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________________            _________________________
Mary Rogers, Committee Secretary                Dennis Murphy, Chairman

Finance Committee approved these minutes at the meeting held 5/26/10.